How Septic Tank Bacteria And Enzymes Help Your Septic System

Maintaining your septic system can prove to be an incredibly difficult and trying task at first, especially if you have a large amount of people utilizing its resources every day. 

Occasionally people will have to get their systems pumped in order to keep the levels of waste inside at an acceptable level and it can be very expensive to pump. 

That is why it is very important that you are using the right tools to keep the levels low and taking steps to ensure that the only things in the septic system are human waste (not tampons, garbage or kitchen waste, etc.)

Getting the Tank's Contents Pumped

Having your system pumped is the most popular choice because it can instantly remove the problems you are having with the tank and remove all of the materials that are not being broken down by the natural processes occurring within. 

However, it can be quite costly (up to $1,000 in some parts of the country). Sometimes the amount of waste you are adding to the tank is way too much for the system to handle and getting it pumped is almost as effective as inserting a brand new unit.

Alternatives to Pumping the System

As many homeowners have discovered, getting your septic system pumped can be very expensive depending on the size of the tank you have installed and how bad the contents are, but there are other alternatives that can assist you in lowering the levels of waste. 

You can add septic tank bacteria and enzymes to assist in the break down of the sewage. More efficiently waste degradation will help your tank last longer and save you a lot of money.

The modern septic system uses a variety of different bacteria and enzymes that naturally break down your human waste in the tank and help it dissolve back into the earth so you are not just accumulating a massive amount of refuse. 

Unfortunately, the bacteria and enzymes are easily destroyed by bleach or paint thinner (two things that virtually every household has added to their septic tank at some point.

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Restoring the natural enzymes in the system is incredibly easy and remarkably cheap, all you do is buy a box or package of the enzymes and flush it down one of the toilets in your home and you are done. 

On average, using enzyme additives to stimulate the function of your septic tank should be performed once a month for optimal performance.

One of the biggest problems that arise in homes with a septic system is the death of the bacterial colonies in the tank, and this is generally caused by using potent cleaning chemicals in your home and then flushing them down the toilet or down the drain. 

The best option for your septic system's health is to use organic cleaning products, as they are not quite as harsh on the bacteria that work in the tank. 

The septic tank bacteria are able to sustain themselves in the tank with the waste that you provide; however, they are easily killed if a harmful chemical is introduced.

Visit my site right away to learn more about septic tank bacteria [] and how you can keep your system running smoothly. You might even learn a thing or two about septic tank covers [].

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How A TINY 55 GRAM TAB FIXES All Your Septic Tank Issues Saving You A Small Fortune Every Year!


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