What Causes Septic Tanks to Back-Up?
Septic Tanks, many of us have them, others have sewer systems. We know that they are there, we know essentially what they do, but do we take the steps monthly to make sure they are functioning correctly?
Many homeowners do not know how a septic tank works and therefore how to prevent the onset of problems.
Here is some basic information to help you understand what causes septic tanks to back up, and how to avoid problems and the expense of repairing them.
To begin with let's get down to the ultra-basic. A septic tank is a tank that all the waste that flushes down toilets and goes down drains and sinks in your home winds up.
This tank is designed to hold this waste, while bacteria and enzymes digest the waste. Eliminating all odor and reducing the waste into a liquid, which is then dispersed through leaching fields.
So as long as the tank is storing the waste, and as long as the bacteria and enzymes are digesting that waste, things are going to run smoothly.
But what happens when you start washing hands with anti-bacterial soap? Doesn't that anti-bacterial soap go down those same drains?
What about bleach? Scented soaps, laundry detergent and the vast majority of household cleaners are designed to eliminate bacteria and germs. Using these products may keep things healthy above the ground, but to your septic tank, this is Defcon 1.
Overtime, these products upset the natural environment of the bacteria within your septic system. In turn the digestion slows and the back-up of waste begins. This is not only in the tank itself but also throughout the pipes within your home.
Which is why anyone with a backed-up septic tank knows, the odor and wet spots that can occur and not only unsightly but can smell absolutely terrible. Believe me, you do not want your neighbors coming over and complaining.
Now, it is not reasonable to expect homes to cease the use of cleaning products and detergents, etc. What we do is be aware of our behavior and provide our septic systems with the little boost they need to maintain proper function.
A mild shock, or bacteria and enzyme treatment can do just the trick, when combined with a monthly maintenance program.
The costs of the best sewer treatment and septic tank cleaners is far less expensive than regular pumping and when compared to the thousands of dollars it costs to replace a septic system, are mere pennies on the dollar.
Does Your Septic Tank Smell? If Yes Then Try This Odd Flushing Trick Fixes All Septic Tank Issues Click Here To Learn More
To find the best sewer and septic treatments, it is always best to seek out the opinions of experienced third-party review sites that can provide you, as consumers, a great deal of information.
As you may already know, using a normal store bought septic cleaner simply isn't going to cut the mustard. To effectively treat a problematic septic system, you need to seek out a powerful treatment, and one that you can trust.
The more we understand about septic tanks, the better equipped we are to make the necessary purchases to maintain one.
Clint has over 35 years of experience as a septic tank restoration specialist. Mr. Diggs often shares is knowledge, and is a widely respected author within the septic and sewer industry.
Articles like this, he shares in hopes of educating consumers in their search for the Best Septic Tank Treatment [http://www.sewertreatment.net]. Because it is through education, that more septic tank problems can be avoided, and expensive replacements all but eliminated.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Clinton_A_Diggs/1329400
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7021852
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